Customer testimonials

I have been with Candice Hook since 2019. Candice, Jen and Megan have all been exceptional in helping our family with all our insurance needs. Friendly, fun, relatable, and always willing to listen and answer your questions. They walked me through the process when my kiddo's parked car was wrecked by an uninsured driver, and with getting towing, Collison repair, and rental car. Then again when my kiddo was rear-ended in the rental car just hours after picking it up. I like the discounts as well and the good driver rewards. My experience has been great!
Lisa “SweetReignPNW” JKL
Candice is awesome!!!! She is the best agent we have ever had. Any time I have a question, concern, issue, she is on it! Her whole office is great as well. I highly recommend Candice, you won't be disappointed in her. She cares about her clients and is always there for them.
Gayle M
Candice and her associates are top notch professionals. They have consistently provided friendly and professional advice with our policies. She is always willing to go the extra mile to identify savings on our policy. I would recommend Ms. Hook again and again. A+++